Research FAQs

Do you have old Yearbooks?

We keep a collection of Bridgewater High School and Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School yearbooks in our Historical Room. They are for use in the library only.

Where can I find Consumer Reports evaluations of products?

Get online access at anywhere in the Library or at home using your Bridgewater Library card. We also keep the annual buying guide and individual issues at the Reference Desk. They do not circulate, so remember to bring your change for the copier.

Do you have New and Used Car prices and ratings?

We keep the Consumer Reports Annual Auto Issue at the Reference Desk.

You may also want to try the following sites:

Kelly Blue Book
National Automobile Dealer’s Association (NADA) Retail Price Guide

Income tax forms?

The state and federal governments send us a supply of the more common forms which you may take for free. We also keep J.K. Lasser’s Your Income Tax book.

You may download forms and publications from any of these sites:

Internal Revenue Service 
Massachusetts State Taxes

College directories and scholarship information?

We have a large collection of college directories and scholarships (located on the shelves at 378). Some of these are Reference and some circulate. We also have a supply of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) forms. Or you can file electronically.

College information can be found on the web at Peterson's and

Do you have Information on the Bridgewater Triangle?

Visit our Bridgewater Triangle and Hockomock Swamp page to learn about the strange creatures and happenings which have been witnessed in the Hockomock Swamp.


More questions? Visit our eLibrary FAQ.